Scribing [Aldonian racial ability]   -   Record basic guild abilities to scrolls.

Usage:  record <ability> to <scroll>
            record list
            invoke <scroll> [at <target>]

Aldonian culture places extremely high value on intellectual pursuits. Trained from an early age to write, aldonians are fully capable of putting
complex rituals to word.  Aldonian scrolls are highly prized relics, often used by lesser races to gain access to power that would otherwise elude

An aldonian can record the simpler of his or her guild abilities to a scroll by using: record <ability> to <scroll>.  Aldonians typically only
make use of scrolls crafted by the finest artisans.  Stores that carry suitable scrolls are typically somewhat rare, but they can be found
scattered throughout the realm.

To view a list of scribable abilities in your guild, use: "record list"

Once an ability has been recorded to a scroll, any player may invoke the scroll to gain access to the recorded ability.  Beware, though: the excess
power associated with the use of aldonian scrolls comes with a very real risk of explosion and related dismemberment, especially the more complex
the recorded ritual.

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